Well, the tumble weeds have been blowing in around here.
There has been lots of sewing going on, but unfortunately not much blogging.
Ill try to catch up on that later, but for the minute, I am joining in again with Happy Quilting's quilt-a-long. YAY! This will be my third happy quilting quilt, and they are always lots of fun. (Check out my
first and my
second) You can check it out
here if your interested in joining in on the fun!
I wanted to make a big quilt. A 4 by 4 layout, in king size. I seriously spent hours last night pulling fabric from my stash. I honestly pulled nearly all of it out, and I'm just not feeling it. I just cant seen to get the right combination of fabric!!
It was doing my head it, so I crammed it all back in my cupboard (folding is for the weak!) and I decided to at least start with a cushion!
I'm making a single block, in the smallest size (20 x 20 inches). Something is better than nothing right? And it lets me still quilt-a-long while i figure out what I'm doing with the quilt.
The blue/grey upholstery fabric, and the brown velvet are actually left overs from an Amy Butler ottoman I recently made, more about that later.
The navy floral is from happy-go-lucky, Moda, and the others are just randoms from my stash (I think the script is from Michael Miller).
So that's the cutting done!
Cant wait to put it all together! (and figure out my quilt!)